Compliments & Feedback

BIG welcomes feedback from the people who use our service.
There are a number of options available to all our service users to provide compliments and feedback to the organisation.


What Our Attendees Say

“There is a need for BIG as there is no other organisation offering peer support and discussions about ongoing mental health issues on a regular basis. I gain excellent input from qualified local mental health staff and the feeling that as a service user i am not alone or ignored during my long period of recovery. It also increases my knowledge on all mental health issues and keeps me motivated.”

“BIG meetings stop me from being isolated and help me to mix with people who understand my condition. I gain information about my illness and I find the meetings very therapeutic.”

“There is a need for BIG groups to help service users with mental health issues personal to themselves. I get self satisfaction from the group and find out about other places where I can get support.”

“BIG meetings give me something to do in the evening, to meet other people so I am not alone and to I learn from other service users how to cope with my mental health. I also gain a lot from the Consultant Psychiatrists and I have made friends at the groups.”

“The BIG groups are helpful, educational and supportive and I can learn from others. The need for BIG is essential and long overdue! Generally, we discuss topics and issues relating to positive well being and health maintenance. I get a lot from attending the groups, help, advice tips and laughter. It’s somewhere to go and is local in Bury.”

“I feel the BIG meetings are really useful. They give me an insight into my mental health problems. They also educate service users on their own issues. I get a chance to express my views on mental health services. It also guides me as to which organisations to contact in order to help me as an individual. The psychiatrists who come along are really helpful and teach me different things and how daily life affects those with illness. I feel valued as i feel my voice is being heard. I have made several friends all of which i can relate to in some way.”

“There is definitely a need for these groups as there are a lot of people suffering with many different mental health conditions. Support is very important in recovery. I feel mental illness can be very isolating and lots of people live alone so groups allow companionship. The groups remind me that i am not alone and  I can share what I am going through with people who understand.”

BIG provides me with a voice that is listened to and I get a strength from those who attend. For me it is a network to make friends. I stress to people to come and experience it for yourselves.”

“I have learnt about my medication from the talks given by the psychiatrists. I find this useful as sometimes i get worried about taking antidepressants. BIG also helps to remove the stigma of mental health and create awareness.”

“I really enjoy the groups and I feel much better after I’ve been to BIG. I have learned a lot about mental health and I’ve met a lot of people who are in the same situation as me. I’ve made some good friends too”

“I think BIG is WONDERFUL”.

“BIG is a safe place to go to escape isolation and to mix with non-judgemental people. It has helped me to deal with my fear and anxiety about mixing with others. BIG has had a positive impact on my personal recovery and has undoubtedly improved my quality of life”.

“BIG has really helped me since I came out of hospital. It has helped to build my confidence and make friends and cope better”.

“Attending BIG helps me to understand myself better and I gain so much from hearing the stories of recovery of other people. It gives me hope”.

“BIG has changed my life in such a positive way. I have bipolar disorder, but have also had episodes of psychosis. These conditions are difficult to understand by people who have never experienced them. BIG is a safe place for me to attend and be with others who have experienced similar episodes where we can support and encourage each other and it also is a great way of preventing isolation”.

“The groups give me something to look forward to. I’m always made to feel very welcome and comfortable. The talks at the Recovery Group are very interesting and informative”.

“BIG has helped me out so much. I realise now that I don’t have to suffer alone in silence. People are always willing to listen and help”.

“BIG is a fantastic charity. The volunteers do so much for people who suffer with mental health problems. I would feel socially isolated without BIG”.

“I now have some routine in my life by going to the groups at BIG. I know I have somewhere to go where I will feel safe and get support. I have suffered from anxiety most of my life. I have met people at BIG who understand me and know what it’s like to feel frightened to even leave the house. Coming to BIG is really helping me”.

“I understand my mental health better and have learned how to cope better. I’ve also gained a lot of knowledge”.

“The groups are supportive and well organised. I like learning from other people who have experienced mental health problems”.


What Professionals Say

Dr Karin Bacha, Psychologist

“I am inspired by the changes I see in people who often have long-term histories within the psychiatric system. The peer support provided at BIG instils hope and motivation for change; it provides a real sense of understanding of emotional experiences that are often not discussed openly within our society and empowers people to gain knowledge about their conditions and use this to make positive changes in their lives. There is a lot of understanding, care and compassion at these groups. I hear first hand every time I attend how helpful these groups have been and continue to be for the attendees. Another great benefit of BIG is that it has an open door policy and everyone is welcome all year round. It is available at the point of need, and it provides a safe and welcoming environment for people who are often isolated and socially anxious”.

Dr Sarmad Nadeem, Consultant Psychiatrist

“I would like to take this opportunity to thank the whole BIG team. BIG provides a safe and supportive environment. The group plays a crucial role in promoting recovery in the community. The forum helps the patients a chance to voice their feedback / concerns to professionals from Mental Health Services”.

Lindsey Bush, Occupational Therapist

“Patients who have attended the BIG ward group have reported that they have appreciated talking to someone who has been through similar experiences. “It’s reminded me that I’m not on my own” (patient quote). A major benefit of the group is that it links to provision in the community and some patients have gone on to access the community session also run by BIG”.

Vivienne White, Occupational Therapist

“Being an acute inpatient service, the patients are often very unwell, but many have really benefited from the BIG group on the ward and have reported finding it helpful in their recovery. There is no pressure to talk or disclose information and the sessions are informal. The BIG volunteers have a warm and empathetic approach which puts the patients at ease, and the patients often comment that they like that the group is run by an outside voluntary service that is not part of the ward staff team. Patients are reassured that they are not alone, should not feel ashamed, and that recovery is possible from even the darkest situations. Patients have already gone on to attend BIG groups in the community once discharged as a direct result of attending the BIG group in hospital. It has been an absolute pleasure to work with BIG on this initiative. The benefits to the patients, including increased patient wellbeing, support with recovery and community integration have been clear to see”.

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Complaints, Concerns and Negative Feedback

We strive to run a safe and welcoming service for the people who use it and for our volunteers and staff. There may be times when somebody wishes to complain. There may also be times when somebody wishes to give us critical or negative feedback, or to raise concerns verbally, without making a formal complaint. We aim to respond positively to all feedback, concerns and complaints and see this as a valuable process for improving what we do and becoming more sensitive to the needs of our service users. We welcome the involvement of advocates for service users who wish to complain. If you have a complaint or concern about BIG, please follow our Complaints, Concerns and Negative Feedback Policy.